Financial and Refund Policy

In order to enhance communication and promote understanding regarding our office’s financial policies, please read through the following information:

Patient Payment: The patient portion due for services rendered is expected at the time of service. If you are scheduled for telemedicine appointments, your payment is required 1 business day in advance. Payment must be received to receive prescriptions. Should an overpayment be made, the difference will be refunded. We accept all major credit cards.

Insurance: Phusion Wellness is not contracted with any health insurance companies and does not accept health insurance. Services are provided on a self-pay basis.

No Shows/Missed Appointments: We request notice to cancel or reschedule an appointment of at least 24 hours (1 business day) prior to the appointment as scheduled. If appropriate notice is not given, a non-refundable charge of $25.00 will be assessed to the patient’s account.

Refunds for Unfinished Treatment: If a patient decides to discontinue treatment after it has been started, a full refund will not be given. Individual circumstances may be discussed with the office manager.

Collections: On occasion, after repeated attempts to collect a balance due, we may need to turn an account over to a collections agency. Should this occur, it is agreed that the financially responsible party shall pay all finance charges, collection costs, attorney fees, and any other costs that may be incurred to enforce collection of any amount outstanding.